Looking Forward After Covid-19  (ASE NEWSLETTER MAY 2020) A New Business Strategy? Associated Senior Executives has a range of clientele from the sole entrepreneur to business owners and many with numerous employees. Although this material may be more for businesses with a number of employees, these same issues can be applied to big and small businesses in developing a solid business plan looking forward post-Covid19. We understand this is situational. Some
In the fall of 2001, just after 9/11, I attended a workshop with Dan Sullivan, founder of Strategic Coach, an exclusive program for entrepreneurs. We were still rattled by the recent events of the Twin Towers and fearful of our future. Some students there witnessed that day in New York City. Listening to their stories of fear and chaos was gripping and remain clear in my memory. That workshop
COVID-19: How to Cope Through These Tough Times? …Indeed these are rough times for businesses. It is distressing to see this climate of uncertainty. It is distressing to see this climate of uncertainty. In these unprecedented times it is essential that we take care of our health and that of our family. Only then can you have an opportunity to look after your team and your business. You have
Small Business and the 21st Century ……. business Face to Face Value of seeking experienced mentors There is an incredible paradox about the small business environment looking into 2020. In the past 20 years or so, much of the personal contact a business owner had with customers, suppliers or other businesses, has moved from ‘face to face’ to some form or other of ‘wireless communication’. It is efficient and transaction-oriented and
Important 2019 Tax Reporting Deadlines for Business Owners March 2/20   RRSP Deadline for 2019 taxation year.  If you have employees contributing to a Group RRSP Plan any contributions made in the first 60 days of 2020 must be reported as such. (This allows the employee to choose which year he/she would like to apply the deduction). A second contribution slip must be prepared to show contributions made from March 3,
WHAT ARE COMMON ISSUES FACING SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS…? What do small business owners have to say are the hardest areas of being an owner-entrepreneur? The number of hours that has to be put in, to get the business moving forward [especially on start-up]. ‘Working in the business and on the business.’ Not having time to work ‘on’ the business solely. Thinking about the business 24/7. Finding that life-work balance.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND A VERY HAPPY, HEALTHY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR!! SETTING BUSINESS GOALS FOR 2020: A WORKSHEET LOOKING BACK: Typically this time of year lends itself to a ‘winding down’ period as businesses and individuals turn their focus to ‘wrapping’ things up for the year (gifts AS WELL AS…outstanding business commitments); it is a time of introspection and reflection. We need to take time from our busy personal
On the 9th of October, I had the privilege of addressing a group of some 20 immigrant business startups. This event, like so many others held for newcomers to Canada, was held by ‘Job Skills’, Markham. ‘Job Skills’ coaches, prepares and connects newcomers to job and business opportunities I acknowledge, with thanks, that this two hour event was exceptionally organized by Jacqueline Roberts (Manager and Program Facilitator) and Jasenka