1. Ask in Person

Ask your client, in person, for a testimonial when the work is done. Ask them to describe the problem, explain the solution, how it helped, and how it was to do business with you. Send a reminder if your client forgets. For credibility, it is best if the client’s personal / company names are included, but testimonials can be anonymous if your client prefers.

2. Ask Via Email/Text

If you don’t meet your client in person, ask for a testimonial by email or text. Customize your request specifically for each client and make the request immediately after you’ve completed the service, but sending a request to your past clients can also work.

3. Ask on Your Website

Add a request to your main page or, if applicable, the checkout page, on your website.

Provide a form for your client to fill in. Keep the form simple, short, and easy to complete.

4. Check Social Media: See What Your Clients Say

Search social media to find your clients’ positive comments and photos; post them to your social media and website as testimonials. Ask the client for their OK before posting.

5. Check Social Media: See What Third-Parties Say

Third-party testimonials provide unbiased reviews and can help promote your business. Search for these testimonials and post them to your social media and website.

Consider a meeting with ASE

Consider how valuable a single meeting or several consultations with an advisory board would be for your business.

Whether thinking of starting a business or looking to improve your existing business, ASE can provide valuable and proven advice. Our team and ‘your’ advisors are CEO’s, CFO’s, Presidents, VP’s, Owners, and/or Professionals of successful Companies, with many years of practical and stellar experience.