We are generally a volunteer board of retired executives, retired professionals, and retired business owners.

We have no active interest in existing businesses and thus avoid any conflicts of interest.
Occasionally we have openings in our Board of Advisers.

To volunteer with us, the following are the requirements:

We try to achieve a balanced team of advisors.

  • There is no remuneration, this is a voluntary position.
  • The individual should not be actively employed or engaged in any Business so as to avoid any conflict of interests.
  • The individual has to have a solid and successful track record in the world of business (i.e. retired executives, retired professionals, and retired business owners).
  • The individual may be required to attend one or two client meetings per week. 
  • ASE ensures that we have a quorum of advisors available to our business clients throughout the year. (excluding Christmas week)


If you are or know of someone who may be interested in joining our team, as a position opens, please submit a CV for consideration.