If you could save both time and money in acquiring clients, would you be interested? And if this marketing strategy resulted in a higher retention rate of clients would you implement it? It’s known as ‘Referral Marketing’ or word of mouth marketing. Most businesses have not developed a formal referral system. An ad hoc approach […]

Do I need a Business partner?

In our ASE Advisory meetings we often come across this comment from businesses we advice. “I need a partner”. Sometimes so frustrated is the client, that I believe they simply seek an accomplice they can blame. Other times the comment is valid. Work load excessive; Skill sets missing; such partners fill gaps in resources such […]

De-risking the Technology Procurement Process

The digital ecosystem is here to help meet the potential and growth of your business. The process can better help manage and integrate the important parts of your business with IT technology software applications meant to help your business run more efficiently and knowledgably. IT strategy [information technology strategy] is a comprehensive plan that outlines […]


THE RIGHT TIME TO HIRE Is your business so hectic that you can’t accept new orders or new clients? Or do you even have time to deliver what you’ve already promised? Should you expand the business but you just don’t have the time or energy? Do you just hate doing some parts of the business […]

Better Customer Relations

Better Customer Relations What a year! We sincerely hope you have navigated well through the pandemic both personally and in business. Most of our clients seem to be faring well if not doing some very exciting transitioning and some, doing better now than ever. In all this and always, one thing remains a basic tenet […]

The Path to Recovery

The Path to Recovery A Summary of the January, 2021 the BDC MONTHLY NEWSLETTER for ASE Clients The BDC (Business Development Bank of Canada) publishes a monthly newsletter to help entrepreneurs stay informed of current economic conditions and the effect on their business. Our team at the Associated Senior Executives (ASE) thought it worthwhile to […]

Checklist for moving your business into 2021

A Checklist For Moving Your Business Into 2021 This has undoubtedly been a difficult year for most Entrepreneurs and Business Owners. You have been forced to embrace uncertainty more so than ever. There was no playbook to guide your actions and decisions in 2020. Give yourself a pat on the back for still being here […]

Happy Holidays!

To All Our Dear Subscribers, Clients and Friends… Our Team, the board members at Associated Senior Executives, want to send you some personal thoughts and hopes for the coming year, 2021… FLETCH KEATING: The first 6 months of Covid were all about disbelief, fear and uncertainty. I think that as we all reflect on what […]

Developing Vision, Mission and Core -Value Statements

Developing Vision, Mission and Core -Value Statements -November2020 Newsletter To inspire an organization and bind it together with purpose and direction, business managements have developed purpose statements. They may be labeled differently in different institutions, however in this letter we will continue to call them by their most traditional names: Vision, Mission, and Value Statements. […]

Adapting to Covid

Our Story – Adapting to Covid 19 and future of ASE Covid has permanently changed our modern world. The Challenge is how do we, in business, react and change our own methods, habits, and activities to keep a sane, healthy, and financially solid life! In the short term, we were forced to focus on something […]