The Benefits of An Advisory Board

This blog is relating a much appreciated testimonial from a successful client who has been with ASE for over twenty-seven years!  

He has recounted well, his ups and downs and how the ASE team helped in supporting, advising, and guiding him and his business over those many years. It shows the importance for any business to have a sage, clear thinking and objective team in its corner.

“I first got involved with ASE twenty seven years ago and I keep coming back for advice. The mentorship I have received has always been firm but kind. ASE helped me to start my business in 1995, sell my business in 2000, and help me buy it back in 2005. It’s been a great journey with ASE.

I have always thought of ASE as my ADVISORY BOARD. The ASE mentors keep our discussions confidential, have no conflict of interest, have nothing invested beyond trying to impart years of business wisdom at such an insignificant fee that it borders on ridiculous. To have five successful people with very diverse backgrounds spend an hour and a half with me and my business partner is, as the advertisement says, PRICELESS. The mentors have knowledge and life experiences that have helped me, and my entrepreneurial ideas always remain on course or helped me course correct after each meeting. If you are an entrepreneur, you know there are very few people who you can discuss your hopes, fears, and desires about your business and how that impacts your life. I cannot say enough about ASE except that it’s the best kept secret for any stage of your business.”

R. J. President and CEO (Large manufacturing organization) –2023


Thanks RJ! [For the sake of privacy, we choose not to give our client’s name, but with his permission to publish.]

ASE is an exceptional group of entrepreneurs, with a proven track record, that can help grow your business without costing a big budget. Contact us for a personal advisory meeting. Meet with us once or several times, we can be there for you.