Planning for Retirement

As a small business owner it’s probably hard to imagine, but, at some point, you will retire. How you will be able to retire is, from a financial perspective, probably harder to imagine. With the right plan you can. The right plan can: 1. Ensure a steady income. After all your hard work, you deserve financial […]

When To Prepare For Selling A Business

A Succession Plan Although hard to imagine, someday you’ll want to, or need to, sell your business; maybe lack of interest or energy, age or unexpected failing health. You should start thinking about a sale from the day you incorporate. Having a succession plan is critical for an organized, orderly, successful sale. It creates certainty and […]

Happy Holidays!

To All Our Dear Subscribers, Clients and Friends… Our Team, the board members at Associated Senior Executives, want to send you some personal thoughts and hopes for the coming year, 2021… FLETCH KEATING: The first 6 months of Covid were all about disbelief, fear and uncertainty. I think that as we all reflect on what […]

Considering your business exit strategy

Considering Your Business’ Exit Strategy Over time you have nurtured your business like a parent nurtures a baby. It is your life’s work and may even be your identity. How do you sell it and get others to see its value? This is a tough transition and sometimes a rude realization. Preparing to sell a […]

Salary versus Dividends

Salary versus Dividends: How should you pay yourself? We, at Associated Senior Executive, often have clients ask whether they should take their wages as a salary or dividends. As a business owner of an incorporated business, you can derive your income from either salary or dividends or from both. What are the differences between dividend […]


In the fall of 2001, just after 9/11, I attended a workshop with Dan Sullivan, founder of Strategic Coach, an exclusive program for entrepreneurs. We were still rattled by the recent events of the Twin Towers and fearful of our future. Some students there witnessed that day in New York City. Listening to their stories […]

COVID-19: How to Cope Through These Tough Times?

COVID-19: How to Cope Through These Tough Times? …Indeed these are rough times for businesses. It is distressing to see this climate of uncertainty. It is distressing to see this climate of uncertainty. In these unprecedented times it is essential that we take care of our health and that of our family. Only then can […]

Tax Time

Important 2019 Tax Reporting Deadlines for Business Owners March 2/20   RRSP Deadline for 2019 taxation year.  If you have employees contributing to a Group RRSP Plan any contributions made in the first 60 days of 2020 must be reported as such. (This allows the employee to choose which year he/she would like to apply the deduction). […]

Common issues that plague businesses

WHAT ARE COMMON ISSUES FACING SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS…? What do small business owners have to say are the hardest areas of being an owner-entrepreneur? The number of hours that has to be put in, to get the business moving forward [especially on start-up]. ‘Working in the business and on the business.’ Not having time to […]

Happy Holidays and setting business goals for 2020

HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND A VERY HAPPY, HEALTHY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR!! SETTING BUSINESS GOALS FOR 2020: A WORKSHEET LOOKING BACK: Typically this time of year lends itself to a ‘winding down’ period as businesses and individuals turn their focus to ‘wrapping’ things up for the year (gifts AS WELL AS…outstanding business commitments); it is a […]